Finally, I catch my Dream!

Hey all,, it’s been several months since my last post. In this post I just want to make a quick update about my life and what I’m doing for the past couple months and years.

Books globe and glasses

When I was a kid, like another Asian Parent my parent always push me to do my best at school. However, I’m not an A+ student and I don’t like study or get a good score. My score was just above the average, but defenitely not a top scorer. My parent really want me to study abroad when I was a kid. They even have a plan to put me under my uncle guardianship to live abroad when I was in Elementary School, but the whole plan was cancelled. Maybe around that time, I started dreaming to study in other country. Continue reading

Arisan berkedok beasiswa?


Hai semua, sudah lama saya tidak post menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia. Kali ini saya ingin berbagi dengan sesama pemburu beasiswa dan mahasiswa. Kurang lebih satu atau dua bulan yang lalu, saya mendengar ada program beasiswa atau pelatihan selama satu minggu di Thailand. Saya mendapat informasi tersebut dari salah seorang teman yang membagikan tautan dan akun Line ID dari pemberi beasiswa. Continue reading